4th transnational project meeting: February 26, 2021
The 4th transnational meeting of the 3D ReMath Project was scheduled to be held at Chios Island Greece. Due to Corona virus problem, the meeting was cancelled.
On 26th February 2021, the 4th Transnational meeting of the 3D ReMath project was held on line.
Participants in the 4th transnational meeting included the research team of the Quantitative Methods Laboratory, Waste Management Laboratory, Privacy Engineering and Social Informatics Laboratory of the University of the Aegean, school teachers of 2nd Primary School of Chios (Greece), ISA13 Istituto Comprensivo Sarzana (Italy) and Agrupamento de Escolas de Marrazes (Portugal) have presented the 1st Round of Pupils’ activities and make suggestions and comments on 1st and 2nd curricula of mathematics, 3d printing and recycle. Additionally the 3D- ReMath partner discussed the progress of the budget, they presented the results from statistical analysis of questionnaires to students and teachers and they scheduled the 3rd Learning teaching and training activities & 3rd Curricula.
In particular, each school presented the detailed results: (i) of the 1st Round of Educational Activities related to Mathematics, 3D printing and Recycling and (ii) the evaluation of activities by students and teachers.
The University of the Aegean also presented: (a) the Curriculum of the 3rd phase of implementation of Educational Activities, (b) the conclusions of the Evaluation, in which students and teachers participated regarding the educational actions, (c) the annual plan (2021) of the project promotion and dissemination actions and mainly the planning plan of the upcoming international conference (September 2021) and finally (d) the progress of the financial object of the Project in relation to the physical one.
This meeting was crucial for all stakeholders to have a common pace in terms of the parallel implementation of educational activities in three countries, as well as to highlight the individual contribution of schools in achieving the objectives of the Project.
3rd transnational project meeting: October 04, 2020
The 3rd transnational meeting of the 3D ReMath Project was scheduled from Monday 31st of August to Tuesday 1st of September 2020 at Leiria, Portugal. Due to Corona virus problem, the meeting was cancelled.
On 04th October 2020, the 3rd Transnational meeting of the 3D ReMath project was held on line.
Participants in the 3rd transnational meeting included the research team of the Quantitative Methods Laboratory, Waste Management Laboratory, Privacy Engineering and Social Informatics Laboratory of the University of the Aegean, school teachers of 2nd Primary School of Chios (Greece), ISA13 Istituto Comprensivo Sarzana (Italy) and Agrupamento de Escolas de Marrazes (Portugal) have discussed the interim report and the budget issues, the schedule of the 1st Round of Students Training and the organization of a event for the Erasmus Day.
2nd transnational project meeting: March 20, 2020
The 2nd transnational meeting of the 3D ReMath Project was scheduled from 9th to 10th of March at Sarzana, Italy. Due to Corona virus problem, the meeting was cancelled.
On 20th March 2020, the 2nd Transnational meeting of the 3D ReMath project was held on line.
Participants in the 2nd transnational meeting included the research team of the Quantitative Methods Laboratory, Waste Management Laboratory, Privacy Engineering and Social Informatics Laboratory of the University of the Aegean, school teachers of 2nd Primary School of Chios (Greece), ISA13 Istituto Comprensivo Sarzana (Italy) and Agrupamento de Escolas de Marrazes (Portugal) have set the changes due to coronavirus that must be made for the Transnational meetings, the Learning, Teaching and Training Activities, the Intellectual Outputs and the 1st& 2nd Round of Students Training.
The first section of the agenda was about the contents of Curricula. During this online meeting in the presence of all involved, except for developments with the pandemic and ways to reduce the consequences for the progress of the project based on the safety of all participants, the following issues were discussed and decided. In particular, the discussion had the following structure. There was a detailed discussion on the necessary changes that had to be made in order to implement the international meetings, the planned educational activities and the production of deliverables in conjunction with the evolution of the pandemic, as this is a dynamic phenomenon. For this reason, alternative implementation scenarios of the above were took into consideration.
The second topic of the 2nd on line TM included suggestions for the detailed configuration of the content of the Intellectual Outputs and in particular of O1 regarding the ‘Map of difficulties’, of O2, O3 and O4, as well as the 1st Curricula of the fields of Recycle, Maths and 3D Printing. They also decided to proceed to the implementation of the 2nd curricula of O2, O3 and O4, during the next months that European countries were in quarantine. In the 3rd thematic session, the interest was focused on the Training Activity targeting the students of the three schools. Responsibilities were also shared at team level by each country. In the last thematic section, the predefined working groups presented the progress of the booklets’ production that are expected to be completed in their majority during the initial phase of project implementation.
1st transnational project meeting: November 18-20, 2019
On 18th to 20th of November 2019, the 1st transnational project meeting of the project “3D-ReMath” was held in Chios, in Department of Business Administration of the University of the Aegean.
Participants in the 1st transnational meeting included the research team of the Quantitative Methods Laboratory, Waste Management Laboratory, Privacy Engineering and Social Informatics Laboratory of the University of the Aegean, school teachers of 2nd Primary School of Chios (Greece), ISA13 Istituto Comprensivo Sarzana (Italy) and Agrupamento de Escolas de Marrazes (Portugal) have set the goals, the milestones and the time schedule for the implementation of the project.
All participants decided the members for the three evaluation committees of the project as well as their responsibilities. At the same time, the timetable was set for the implementation of the 1st deliverable and for the next teaching activities.
Partners also agreed for the following disseminations actions: a) during the transnational meetings, awareness meetings will be organized in order to inform the society of the 3 regions, parents and Local Authorities, in the 3 participating countries, b) develop a leaflet in 4 languages in order to inform parents, authorities and local society for the goal of the project and c) develop a website for the “3D-ReMath” (informing for its actions and results), also in 4 languages.