Press Release 3D-ReMath

3D ReMath Press Release 1st transnational project meeting of the project “3D printing technology aims students understanding maths and recycling procedure” press release 3D-ReMath

1st Transnational Meeting

Department of Business Administration of the University of the Aegean Michalon 8, Chios

1st transnational project meeting of the project “3D printing technology aims students understanding maths and recycling procedure”

Press Release 3D-ReMath

3D - ReMath Press Release 1st transnational project meeting of the project “3D printing technology aims students understanding maths and recycling procedure" press release 3D-ReMath (1)

On line meeting

On line meeting of the 3D - ReMath Project

1st Learning, teaching and training activity

Department of Business Administration of the University of the Aegean Michalon 8, Chios

1st learning, teaching and training activity of the project “3D printing technology aims students understanding maths and recycling procedure” 

On line meeting

On line meeting of the 3D - ReMath Project

2nd Transnational Meeting

ISA13 Istituto Comprensivo Sarzana Sarzana

2nd transnational meeting was scheduled from 9th to 10th of March at Sarzana, Italy. Due to Corona virus problem, the meeting was cancelled.

2nd Learning, Teaching and Training Activity

ISA13 Istituto Comprensivo Sarzana Sarzana

2nd Learning, Teaching and Training Activity was scheduled from 10th to 13th of March at Sarzana, Italy. Due to Corona virus problem, the meeting was cancelled.